Seat information: You can check the corresponding situation of the seats and the participants and the seats in the conference room.
Meeting Agenda: Show the agenda of this meeting.
Conference materials: support to import conference materials in various formats, files are not converted, support for viewing permissions control, participants can only see files with permissions.
Temporary files: use U disk to browse files or upload and share with other participants. The files can be saved on the server and locally at the same time.
Website browsing: You can enter the website address to browse the web.
Meeting voting: The host can manage the voting, and each terminal can participate in voting and view real-time results.
Conference communication: Support participants to choose one or more participants to communicate.
Electronic whiteboard: support personal use and shared use by multiple people.
Conference annotations: Handwriting annotations can be made on any page, and the annotations can be saved and uploaded to the server.
Minutes of the meeting: During the meeting, the host and secretary can take notes (text format) of the meeting at any time, save and upload them to the server, and all clients can consult them.
Streaming media: You can play streaming media videos.